The album will be internationally released on 26. Mar 2010. On 29. Mar 2010 Anna Netrebko and Daniel Barenboim will give a recital, with the same program of the recital given at the Salzburger Festpiele, at the Philharmonie, Berlin as part of the Festtage 2010.
In the Still of Night
Anna Netrebko · Daniel Barenboim
CD |D|D|D| 000289 477 8589 7 |G|H|
Limited hardcover edition:
CD |D|D|D| 000289 477 8867 6 |G|H|
+ Tchaikovsky: Lieder · Songs
Int. Release 26. Mar 2010
1 CD
Anna Netrebko, Soprano
Daniel Barenboim, Piano
Recorded Live at the Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg
Monday 17. August 2009 20:30
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Worüber in der Stille der Nacht op. 40 Nr. 3 | O chem v tishi nochey op. 40 Nr. 3 | Of what I dream in the quiet night op. 40 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Verzeih! Erinnere dich nicht an die kummervollen Tage op. 27 Nr. 4 | Prosti! Ne pomni dney naden’ya op. 27 Nr. 4 | Forgive! Remember not these tearful days op. 27 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Es ist nicht der Wind, der von der Höhe weht op. 43 Nr. 2 | Ne veter, veya s vïsotï op. 43 Nr. 2 | Not the Wind, blowing from the hights op. 43 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Klingender ist das Lied der Lerche op. 43 Nr. 1 | Zvonche zhavoronka pen’ye op. 43 Nr. 1 | The lark sings louder op. 43 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Auf Grusiniens Hügeln op. 3 Nr. 4 | Na kholmakh Gruzii op. 3 Nr. 4 | On the hills of Georgia op. 3 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Im Reich der Rose und des Weins op. 8 Nr. 5 | V tsarstvo rozï i vina op. 8 Nr. 5 | In the kingdom of roses and wine op. 8 Nr. 5
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Suleikas Lied op. 26 Nr. 4 | Pesnya Zyuleyki op. 26 Nr. 4 | Zuleika’s song op. 26 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nachtigall wurde Sklavin der Rose op. 2 Nr. 2 | Plenivshis’ rozoy, solovey (Vostochnïy romans) op. 2 Nr. 2 | Enslaved by the rose, the nightingale op. 2 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Der Wolken Luftgebirg löst sich im Winde sacht op. 42 Nr. 3 | Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada op. 42 Nr. 3 | The clouds begin to scatter op. 42 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nymphe op. 56 Nr. 1 | Nimfa op. 56 Nr. 1 | The nymph op. 56 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 56 Nr. 2 | Son v letnyuyu noch’ op. 56 Nr. 2 | Summer night’s dream op. 56 Nr. 2
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Sag mir, wovon im dunklen Grün op. 57 Nr. 1 | Skazhi, o chom v teni vetvey op. 57 Nr. 1 | Tell me, what in the shade of the branches op. 57 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • So schnell vergessen (1870) | Zabït tak skoro (1870) | To forget so soon (1870)
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Trunkene Nächte op. 60 Nr. 6 | Nochy bezumnïye op. 60 Nr. 6 | Frenzied night op. 60 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Warum? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Otchevo? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Why? op. 6 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Serenade, O Kind, ich singe dir op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenada op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenade op. 63 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Wiegenlied op. 16 Nr. 1 | Kolïbel’naya pesnya op. 16 Nr. 1 | Cradle song op. 16 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • War ich nicht ein Gräslein im Felde op. 47 Nr. 7 | Ya li v pole da ne travushka bïla op. 47 Nr. 7 | Was I not a little blade of grass? op. 47 Nr. 7
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • In trüben Tagen op. 73 Nr. 5 | Sred mrachnïkh dnei op. 73 Nr. 5 | Mid sombre days op. 73 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Herrschet der Tag op. 47 Nr. 6 | Den li tsarit? op. 47 Nr. 6 | Does the day reign op. 47 Nr. 6
Antonín Dvořák • Zigeunermelodien op. 55 Nr. 4 (Als die alte Mutter mich noch lehrte singen) | Ciganske melodie op. 55 Nr. 4 (Kdyz mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat ucívala) | Gypsy Songs op. 55 Nr. 4 (When my old mother taught me to sing)
Richard Strauss • Cäcilie op. 27 Nr. 2
What's that ???
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that there will be only the Rimsky-Korsakov songs on the cd... it takes merely 30 min and the full programm with Tchaikovsky' songs lasts more or less an hour : they could easily be on the whole cd ( by the way those songs were for some of them the best part of the evening).
What's in the head of DG programmers ???
I hope that it's only their website that is incomplete... and I really hope that the definitive cd will contain both all Rimsky-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky songs that were performed. Without that it would be a great shame !
This is the CD that was initially announced in August and later on removed from the DG website. Already then it was announced that it would contains the Rimsky-Korsakov songs plus some Tchaikovsky songs, which now seems that they would be included in the limited edition. I was also surprised then when I read that they would not release the full recital... amazing! I think that the only hope would be if they include the full 2nd part of the programme, devoted to Tchaikovsky, in the limited edition... but it seems that this will not be the case looking the way it's announced...
ReplyDeleteI can't understand that ! It's a totally silly decision from DG in that case !
Or maybe they will released a third cd with only Tchaikovski to make more money.
It makes me furious.
The whole "russian songs evening" can fill a cd !
How can they publish a cd with only 30 min of music !!! A real shame.
We wrote a request to DG asking them to release the full program of the Salzburg recital -- Rimski-Korsakov and Tcahikovsky, not only Rimski-Korsakov -- in her upcoming new CD!
ReplyDeleteIf you like to support our request, please visit Anna's official Facebook site and show your support:
Good news!!! DH has published the track list... and the track list include the FULL programme of the Liederabend INCLUDING even the two encores!!! Fantastic!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is still not clear for me why they announce using capital letters the name of RIMSKY-KORSAKOV on the top, while the name of Tchaikovsky is included below in small letters... and not clear if the + Tchaikovsky: Lieder . songs, refer to the limited hardcover edition or to both of them, as it seems now according to the track list.
In any case we will get the recital in full including the encores!!!
Great news !!!
ReplyDelete(Do you think that the message on Anna's FB page was received, explaining why they updated DG's website ?
In anycase, I'm really happy that the full evening will be released.
By the way, thank's again Carlos for your wonderful blog and all the news.
Thanks for the updates.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely get this, it is just the right repertoire for her. I hope we will see her in more Russian stuff, a complete Eugene Onegin with Beczala and Kwiechen (or even Mariinsky singer Alexei Markov) would be an exciting release.
This album will be one of the best of Anna... a wonderful complement to her Russian Album. She was fantastic inthis recital and it will be so nice to have the brand new album just in time to see her in Berlin singing exactly the same program...
ReplyDeleteYes, a recording of Eugene Onegin and War and Peace with stellar cast is a must. She talked about the project to make a recording of War and Peace with Dmitri Hvorostovsky and Valery Gergiev, but always problems in their schedules... Eugene Onegin was planned for the 2012-2013 season at the Met. Mariusz Kwiecien, Alexei Markov or Dmitri Hvorostovsky are very good and they would be great partners... I would prefer Dmitri... Hopefully we will have Eugene Onegin at the Met with Anna and they will release a DVD...