Anna Netrebko, soprano
Elena Bashkirova, piano
Mozartsaal, Rosengarten, Mannheim
Wednesday 12. August 2009
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Worüber in der Stille der Nacht op. 40 Nr. 3 | O chem v tishi nochey op. 40 Nr. 3 | Of what I dream in the quiet night op. 40 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Verzeih! Erinnere dich nicht an die kummervollen Tage op. 27 Nr. 4 | Prosti! Ne pomni dney naden’ya op. 27 Nr. 4 | Forgive! Remember not these tearful days op. 27 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Es ist nicht der Wind, der von der Höhe weht op. 43 Nr. 2 | Ne veter, veya s vïsotï op. 43 Nr. 2 | Not the Wind, blowing from the hights op. 43 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Klingender ist das Lied der Lerche op. 43 Nr. 1 | Zvonche zhavoronka pen’ye op. 43 Nr. 1 | The lark sings louder op. 43 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Auf Grusiniens Hügeln op. 3 Nr. 4 | Na kholmakh Gruzii op. 3 Nr. 4 | On the hills of Georgia op. 3 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Im Reich der Rose und des Weins op. 8 Nr. 5 | V tsarstvo rozï i vina op. 8 Nr. 5 | In the kingdom of roses and wine op. 8 Nr. 5
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Suleikas Lied op. 26 Nr. 4 | Pesnya Zyuleyki op. 26 Nr. 4 | Zuleika’s song op. 26 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Die Nachtigall wurde Sklavin der Rose op. 2 Nr. 2 | Plenivshis’ rozoy, solovey (Vostochnïy romans) op. 2 Nr. 2 | Enslaved by the rose, the nightingale op. 2 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Der Wolken Luftgebirg löst sich im Winde sacht op. 42 Nr. 3 |
Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada op. 42 Nr. 3 | The clouds begin to scatter op. 42 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Die Nymphe op. 56 Nr. 1 | Nimfa op. 56 Nr. 1 | The nymph op. 56 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow • Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 56 Nr. 2 | Son v letnyuyu noch’ op. 56 Nr. 2 | Summer night’s dream op. 56 Nr. 2
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • Sag mir, wovon im dunklen Grün op. 57 Nr. 1 | Skazhi, o chom v teni vetvey op. 57 Nr. 1 | Tell me, what in the shade of the branches op. 57 Nr. 1
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • So schnell vergessen (1870) | Zabït tak skoro (1870) | To forget so soon (1870)
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • Trunkene Nächte op. 60 Nr. 6 | Nochy bezumnïye op. 60 Nr. 6 | Frenzied night op. 60 Nr. 6
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • Warum? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Otchevo? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Why? op. 6 Nr. 5
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • Serenade, O Kind, ich singe dir op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenada op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenade op. 63 Nr. 6
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • Wiegenlied op. 16 Nr. 1 | Kolïbel’naya pesnya op. 16 Nr. 1 | Cradle song op. 16 Nr. 1
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • War ich nicht ein Gräslein im Felde op. 47 Nr. 7 | Ya li v pole da ne travushka bïla op. 47 Nr. 7 | Was I not a little blade of grass? op. 47 Nr. 7
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • In trüben Tagen op. 73 Nr. 5 | Sred mrachnïkh dnei op. 73 Nr. 5 | Mid sombre days op. 73 Nr. 5
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowski • Herrschet der Tag op. 47 Nr. 6 | Den li tsarit? op. 47 Nr. 6 | Does the day reign op. 47 Nr. 6
Antonín Dvořák • Zigeunermelodien op. 55 Nr. 4 (Als die alte Mutter mich noch lehrte singen) | Ciganske melodie op. 55 Nr. 4 (Kdyz mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat ucívala) | Gypsy Songs op. 55 Nr. 4 (When my old mother taught me to sing)
Richard Strauss • Cäcilie op. 27 Nr. 2
Herbert attended the lied recital and has kindly written the following report for the blog:
As you know the programme was almost completely in Russian - 20 songs by Rimsky-Korssakoff and Tchaikowsky, plus two encores: "The old mother" by Dvorak, sung in Czech, and Strauss "Cäcilia" in German.
Before the recital began an announcer said that the van which should bring the programmes had an accident (!) and so the programmes would come during the interval. Anna wanted that everybody could understand the texts, so an asisstant came on stage before each song and read the German translation - which was a bit unusual, but it helped a lot.
Anna is becoming a new kind of artist - more "serious" than we know her! A recital competely in Russian, with many sad songs, also some happy ones in between - that was new to many people in the audience. But the way she sang and how she acted on stage was Anna as we love her. Fantastic, very emotional, with a lot of passion. And there was a perfect interaction between her and Elena Bashkirova at the piano.
There was no meeting or CD signing after the performance. One of the ushers told me that she left the concert hall right after the show in a large limousine, because she had to go to her hotel where her baby was waiting.
Press Reviews
Herbert has kindly translated into english some extracts of what has been published in the German press.
"Her round, velvet, dark voice and her melancholic Russian songs caused goose pimples in the audience"
Anna Netrebko sorgte für Gänsehaut - Berliner Zeitung - Aktuelles Kultur, 13. Aug 2009 [German]
"Her voice has become even warmer, rounder, if you will: richer in content and in overtones. Her pianissimo easily fills the Mozartsaal which is actually too big for such an intimate evening. Her notes resonate, they are omnipresent in the hall. This is what characterizes a great voice."
Von der Natürlichkeit des Seins - by Stefan M. Dettlinger, morgenweb.de, Mannheimer Morgen 14. Aug 2009 [German] [Photos]
"She is most affecting when she charmingly smiles at Elina Bashkirova's excellent and subtle piano prelude of "Was I not a little blade of grass?", vibrating her soul, and then she sings a phrase which in its soft sounding range seems to be flying into the universe. A great evening!"
Von der Natürlichkeit des Seins - by Stefan M. Dettlinger, morgenweb.de, Mannheimer Morgen 14. Aug 2009 [German] [Photos]
On-line Press Reviews
Anna Netrebko sorgte für Gänsehaut - Berliner Zeitung - Aktuelles Kultur, 13. Aug 2009 [German]
Anna Netrebko im Rosengarten - morgenweb.de, 13. Aug 2009 [German] [Photos]
Von der Natürlichkeit des Seins - by Stefan M. Dettlinger, morgenweb.de, Mannheimer Morgen 14. Aug 2009 [German] [Photos]
Anna Netrebko begeistert mit Liederabend - Hamburger Abendblatt, 14. Aug 2009 [German]
Anna Netrebko and Elena Bashkirova at the first part of the lied recital. Photos [1-2] by Herbert
Anna Netrebko and Elena Bashkirova at the second part of the lied recital. Photos [1-3, 7, 9-10] by Anne, [4-6, 8] by Herbert

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Anna Netrebko | 2008-2009 Season
Anna Netrebko, Rosengarten, Mannheim 12. August 2009
The Programme of the Anna Netrebko's Recital in Mannheim on 12. Aug 2009
Anna Netrebko's Lied Recital in Salzburg on 17. Aug 2009 will be Broadcast by Ö1 on 26. Aug 2009
Thanks for photos&comments. She looks great, as usual.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carlos! I hope these songs soon or later will be released on CD!
ReplyDeleteThanks to Herbert for his on-site reports (I would love to have been at this recital!) and welcome back Carlos!
ReplyDeleteIs it me or the Berliner Zeitung takes Johan Strauss for Richard Strauss ? Quite embarassing I think... lol !
ReplyDeleteMany thanks to Anne and Herbert for the photos and report.