
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lucia di Lammermoor, Wiener Staatsoper, Wien 14. Mar 2009

Huge success of Anna Netrebko in an outstanding performance of Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor on her very much awaited return to the stage at the Wiener Staatsoper on 14. March 2009, the first of a series of 4 completely sold-out performances, with tickets on the black market and agencies sold for more than 600 Eur. Standing ovations lasting for many minutes make the singers playing the leading roles, leaded by Anna Netrebko and Giuseppe Filianoti, and the conductor Marco Armiliato, to appear once and again to the curtain call.

Anna Netrebko did make an outstanding performance singing the title role. As she has recognized in recent interviews, the second act is the one she prefers. I would agree on this point and she was really great there. As everyone knows, one of the most awaited moments of the opera is the mad scene. And Anna was also superb here. Both from the points of view of the singing and the acting. She just captivated the audience. This performance has been also a special one because the glass harmonica, instead of the flute, has been used for the first time at the Wiener Staatsoper. The results were very beautiful and they were later on stressed out at the curtain call, when Anna Netrebko delivered special ovations addressed to the glass harmonica player. She addressed also ovations to the prompter.

Giuseppe Filianoti as Edgardo was pretty well and his singing was largely rewarded by the ovations and bravos from the audience. Nevertheless, I did not found his performance fully convincing. Much more convincing was George Petean as Enrico and also Stefan Kocán as Raimondo. Particlularly weak was the singing of Marian Talaba as Arturo. The orchestra was wonderfully conducted by Marco Armiliato.

On-line Press reviews
Staatsopern-Publikum feiert Netrebko - Wien
Staatsoper: Warten auf den Wahnsinn - 15.03.2009 18:14 WALTER WEIDRINGER (Die Presse)
Königin Anna, die Wahnsinnige - 15. März 2009 17:33 ERNST P. STROBL (SN)
Einfach eine Ausnahmekünstlerin - 16.03.2009 Kurier
Comeback mit kleinen Schönheitsfehlern - 16.03.2009 Renate Wagner - Neues Volksblatt
Schön, dass sie endlich wieder da ist - 15.03.2009 Kurier

Photo Album
Curtain calls photos [1-3] by Herbert

Stage door photo by Herbert

Anna Netrebko - Mad Scene


Video recorded from ORF TV by Georg

Related news
Annas Glamour-Show in Wien,, Wien 22. März 2009


  1. As I was not able to get a ticket, I mean a regular ticket with a seat, I had to secure to get a standing room ticket. Around 10:00 I did a small walk from my hotel to the opera house. I had planned to go to Arcadia shop. But before to go to the shop I decided to take a look to the standing room tickets door, just to be sure that nobody would be there so early. I was wrong! People was already there waiting to get a ticket! So I decided to have a short visit to the shop, go back to the hotel to change clothes and return to the opera house to make the queue. So, I started to make the queue a few minutes before 11:00. A long day awaiting for tickets!

    While I was in the queue, something happened making the awaiting less hard. Anna came walking around the opera house, just in front os us, with her son Tiago!!! I could not believe it! I saw her coming, I recognized her immediately, even when she still was at soem distance. I smiled to her when she approached and I saw Tiago. I said "OMG! He's so cute!" and Anna turned a little bit smiling and saying "Thank you". Great!

  2. wow... I'm sooo sooooo happy of that... was amazing !!!
    you was so kind with her!

  3. Well done Carlos! Having seen Anna and Tiago, and then enjoyed a superb performance by her as Lucia, you obviously had a great day which you will long remember!

  4. I'm really happy that Anna is doing so well and that you had such a great day...; )

  5. Hi Carlos - It sounds as if you had a great time!

    On a selfish note how good was the view from the standing room area? I'll (hopefully) be standing there for Anna's 4th of May Traviata.

  6. Rhodri, there are two different types of standing room tickets: parterre at 4 Eur and Gallery at 3 Eur. I choose parterre. There, they are different rows. I got my place at the second row. The view of the stage is great, you are not loosing a single detail and you can see all the areas of the stage. Just people in front of you could hide some parts of the stage. I have not been at the gallery. Apparently the sound there is the best one, but probably would not be the same in terms to see the stage. Mostly Opera had a very good post on how to get tickets there. It was very useful for me.

  7. Enhorabuena por tu experiencia. Ver a Anna con Tiago... Eso es lo que esperaba yo haber podido hacer en London el 07/03, pero al final canceló.
    Me alegro muchísimo de que Anna esté recuperando la plenitud de forma y vuelva a ser la de siempre.
    ¡¡Pero que no cancele más, please!!

  8. Thanks for the advice Carlos - and I have to agree with you about Mostly Opera's posting, it definitely is very useful.

  9. ¡Que bien! Aún como te salieron las palabras... supongo que el crío es una monada. Me alegro muchísimo de que la función fuera estupendamente,lo que tampoco es de extrañar.

  10. non seulement une grande diva, mais elle est adorable cette femme, quel plaisir de l'entendre et la yeux me façine :=))))

  11. je me pose la question...un dvd est il prevu pour la lucia de netrebko (au met ou vienne)quelqu'un a t'il une reponse.merci salutations amicales de Namur belgium.
