
Saturday, March 21, 2009

El fenómeno Netrebko - El País 21. March 2009

The Spanish digital newspaper ElPaí publishes an interview to Anna Netrebko. The interview took place at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, in London, where she was singing the first run of Bellini`s I Capuleti e I Montecchi with Elina Garanca.

On the same issue of ElPaí
La bella Romeo - El País (España) - Madrid, Spain
Sed de divos - El País (España) - Madrid, Spain


  1. A ver si en este santo país nos vamos poniendo al día en lo que al mundo de la lírica se refiere, y en los periódicos de más tirada nacional aparecen como algo normal, artículos y crónicas de cantantes y producciones que se están haciendo por estos mundos.
    Buena noticia la de esa "Ana Bolena"...2012,¿por qué el futuro está siempre tan lejos?

  2. Yeah! The drawback of the future is that it is so far away...

    If those Anna Bolena in Madrid are so far away... I think that to see Anna in Barcelona we will have to wait an eternity... at least until 2014 I do not expect to see her performing at the Liceo...

    While she is performing and she will be performing at all the main opera houses around the world, Mr Matabosch is not able to bring to Barcelona Ms Netrebko!
