
Sunday, May 15, 2011

L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011

L'ELISIR D'AMORE | Gaetano Donizetti
Bayerische Staatsoper 11. May 2011 | 19:00-21:45 | 1

Marco Armiliato | Dirigent
David Bösch | Inszenierung
Patrick Bannwart | Bühnenbild
Falko Herold | Kostüme
Michael Bauer | Licht
Rainer Karlitschek | Producktionsdramaturgie
Johannes Haider | Chöre

Anna Netrebko | Adina
Matthew Polenzani | Nemorino
Fabio Maria Capitanucci | Belcore
Alessandro Corbelli | Dulcamara
Tara Erraught | Giannetta

Bayerisches Staatsorchester
Chor der Bayerischen Staatsoper

Adina: ricca e capricciosa fittaiuola (soprano)
Nemorino: coltivatore; giovine semplice, innamorato di Adina (tenore)
Belcore: sergente di guarnigione nel villaggio (baritono)
Il Dottore Dulcamara: medico ambulante (basso comico)
Giannetta: villanella (soprano)
Cori e comparse di villani e villanelle, soldati e suonatori del reggimento, un notaio, due servitori, un moro.



Act 1 - "Benedette queste carte!...Della crudele Isotta" (Anna Netrebko, Tara Erraugh, Matthew Polenzani, Chorus)
Act 1 - "Caro elisir! sei mio!" (Matthew Polenzani)
Act 1 - "Lallarallara... Esulti pur la barbara" (Matthew Polenzani, Anna Netrebko)
Act 1 - "Adina credimi, te ne scongiuro" (Matthew Polenzani, Fabio Maria Capitanucci, Anna Netrebko, Tara Erraugh, Chorus)
Act 2 - "La donna è un animale stravagante... Venti scudi!" (Fabio Maria Capitanucci, Matthew Polenzani)
Act 2 - "Una furtiva lagrima" (Matthew Polenzani)
Act 2 - "Prendi, per me sei libero" (Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani)

Herbert attended the premiere and he kindly wrote the following short report for the blog:
It was great fun and she seems to enjoy this production. Her singing and acting were superb. After the show there was a big dinner for sponsors, but she came out to her fans before she returned to the dinner. She took some time for giving autographs, posing for photos and chatting with the crowd

Tara Erraught (Giannetta), Alessandro Corbelli (Dulcamara), Matthew Polenzani (Nemorino), Anna Netrebko (Adina), Fabio Maria Capitanucci (Belcore), L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert

Anna Netrebko (Adina), L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert

Matthew Polenzani (Nemorino), Anna Netrebko (Adina), Marco Armiliato (Conductor), L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert

Anna Netrebko (Adina), Matthew Polenzani (Nemorino), L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert

 Anna Netrebko, L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert

Anna Netrebko, L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert

Anna Netrebko, L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert

Anna Netrebko, L'Elisir d'amore, Bayerische Staatsoper, München 11. May 2011. Photo: Herbert


  1. Anna looks great in those pics at the syage door!
    Looking forward to seeing her this Saturday!

  2. The production looks terrible...

  3. How terrible the production was??

  4. Don't worry, the production is not terrible! Indeed it is very funny and poetic. The audience love it. Singers who like to have fun on stage enjoy it very much.

  5. Some of you asked what happened with this post about the premiere of L'elisir d'amore at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich... Unfortunately, I made a mistake and I had deleted most of the post, basically the photos and the report, keeping the remaining of the post as a draft. My apologies for the mistake. Here it is once again most of the original post about the premiere. Another one about the second performance of the run will follow.
