
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Blog reaches half a million visits

We are proud to announce that the Blog has officially reached half a million visits.

The graph below shows the statistics provided by StatCounter for the yearly evolution of the number of page loads, unique visits and returning visits.

I would like to thanks all the visitors to the Blog, whether they are usual readers or casual ones. Those figures are possible, only because of you.


  1. Well done! And many, many years ahead!

  2. Carlos, your work is marvelous and amazing. We all appreciate for you efforts so much indeed. So that we could get many information and photos of Anna before and after the operas or concerts. What a great task you did!! THANKS SO MUCH INDEED.

  3. Carlos, tu blog es increible y siempre le leo con mucho gusto.
    iMucha suerte con tu blog y con todos otros proyectos futuros!

  4. Felicitaciones estimado amigo Carlos, recorrer su Blog para saber de Anna es un verdadero placer, por la excelencia de la información y videos que Ud nos brinda generosamente a los que hemos sido atrapados por el virtuosismo tanto musical como humano de tan exquisita mujer.
