
Friday, April 2, 2010

Over 300,000 visits!

From 16. December 2007 to 2. April 2010, StatCounter reports that the blog has had 481,940 page loads (number of times a page has been visited), 301,946 unique visitors (all the visitors) and 110,476 returning visitors (based purely on a cookie, if a person is returning to the blog for another visit an hour or more later). That gives day average values of 564 page loads, 354 visitors and 129 returning visitors over this period.

Over the last year, from 2. April 2009 to 2. April 2010, the day average values have been: 702 page loads, 445 visitors and 168 returning visitors.

The month average values from January 2008 to March 2010 are 17,751 page loads, 11,123 unique visitors and 4,075 returning visitors.

The graph below shows the evolution of the page loads, unique vsitors and returning visitors since 16. December 2007. The figure clearly shows a very high peak, a second remarkable peak and a period of extremely low activity in August 2009 when the blog was first closed and later on open by invitation only, with a restricted access.

The highest peak in terms of visits and page loads took place on 8. February 2009, reaching 3,981 page loads and 2,426 visits in a single day! From 4. February 2009 to 11. February 2009 the number of page loads was 15,089 and the number of visits 9,224, representing a day average of 1,886 page loads and 1,153 visits. On those dates Anna Netrebko was back at the Met in New York, for the first time after the birth of heer son Tiago, to sing the title role of Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor. The performance on 7. February 2009 was transmitted live to selected movie theaters all around the world.

The figure below shows the evolution of the page loads, unique visitors and returning visitors from 4. February to 11. February 2009.

A second remarkable peak arised on 16. April 2009 with 2,056 page loads and 1,317 visits. On this occasion this peak was due to the return of Anna Netrebko to the Wiener Staatsoper in Wien, also to sing the title role of Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor. The premiere, that I attended, was on 14. April 2009.

Thank you very much for your continuous support!


  1. Congratulations! And keep up the good work!

  2. Carlos,

    You deserve all the credait and accolades for your monumental talent and loving adoration of the wonderfulo diva.
