
Friday, January 16, 2009

21C Media Group press release

21C Media Group has published the press release "Anna Netrebko Returns to Stage in January to Sing Lucia di Lammermoor at Metropolitan Opera and Mariinsky Theatre"

See other 21C Media Group press releases about Anna Netrebko


  1. Here you can find a nice and long interview with Anna published yesterday in a Russian newspaper. Unfortunately, it is in Russian. If you need translation it will take me some more time to do it. Please advise for the easiest way to send you a document of about 2-3 pages.

  2. Thanks for the link and your kind offer! I have been taking a look using Google translator... it gives me an idea of the contents of the interview. I think that the easiest way to send me a dcoument is by mail to my mail contact address given on the top right column of the blog, on the Contact section, which is

